Tuesday, June 29, 2021

How Does A Drone Roof Inspection Work?

roof-inspections-300x168.jpgWhat comes into mind when you think of roof inspections? Most people would think of a bunch of people on the roof looking for issues. The conventional means of inspecting a roof is a close-up visual inspection. However, technology has progressed over the years particularly drone tech. If you look at it, roofing contractors have a lot to gain from drone technology. Using remote-controlled unmanned aerial vehicles makes the process of inspecting roofs a lot easier and safer for the roofers.

Here’s why drone technology makes roof inspections safer:

Eliminate physical contact with the roof Roof inspections Wilmington, NC is generally dangerous. Just think about what would happen if you’d fall off the roof. You’d be thankful for just a few broken bones if that’s the only injury you’ll get. However, with the use of drones, roofers can inspect the roof without being physically on the roof. If the roof has already been compromised, it might not be safe for the roofer to set foot on it. With the use of drones, the roofer can perform the inspection remotely without the risk of anyone getting hurt. The results are also comparable to that of the conventional way of roof inspections or even better. Drones make it easier to take accurate measurements With the traditional means of roof inspections, the roofing contractor will need to manually measure the size of the roof to take accurate data. However, that’s not the case with the use of drones. With crisp and high-definition footage, the drone could actually take precise measurements of the roof, close-up view, or even a wide view of the roof. The possibilities are endless. Drones provide clear and accurate footage of the roof What separates conventional roof inspections from drone inspections is the ease of capturing data. There are dangers associated with any kind of roof task. Getting up the roof alone comes with life-threatening risks. Even with the utmost care, there are some cases of freak accidents where people have lost limbs or their lives in the process. Through the use of drones, it is easier to get relevant data for repairs, upgrades, or other purposes. If you are planning on filing an insurance claim, it is best to hire a roofer like WHS Roofing and have a drone inspection done. Videos and photos of the roof are easily captured and presented as evidence. Even if you just want to make sure that your roof is in good shape, inspections are faster when done via drone. You can get the results you need at just a fraction of the time. When it comes to any kind of roofing task, you should hire an expert roofing contractor. Roofer services are specialized and are designed to be convenient. If you need help with your roof, don’t hesitate to contact your local roofing contractor.

For all of your roofing needs, you can count on WHS Roofing. You may reach us at (910) 765-8513.

WHS Roofing Wilmington, NC, 28403 910-765-8513 http://wilmingtonroofingpro.com/


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