Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Roof Repair - 5 Factors With Strong Influence On Costs

roof-repair-1-300x200.jpgGetting your roof repaired is not the cheapest form of home repair. In most instances, you would need to hire a roofing contractor to do the roof repair. Depending on the type of repairs, the costs would increase or decrease. Don’t agree with the estimates roofers give you over the phone. What you should do is to have them over, do an inspection, and provide you with a quotation of how much repairs would cost. To give you an idea of just how costs are calculated, here are some factors that affect the overall price of repairs.

Roof repair and factors influencing the cost

Type of roof – the first factor on the list is the type of roof. A flat, high or low pitch, shingled, or metal roofing have different costs associated with Wilmington roof repair. Asphalt shingles are, by far, the least expensive type of roofing material to fix. Repairs for asphalt roofing can go up to $120 per 100 square feet. Repairing other types of roofing materials of the same size can cost more than $1,000. If you plan on having a roof replacement rather than having the existing one repaired, you might want to consider asphalt shingles as your roofing material of choice. Roof repair permits – depending on where you live, roofing costs may vary. The same goes for the permits required to proceed with the repairs. Some regions require more permits than other areas. That’s why it is a good idea to consult with your local roofing contractor when looking to get roof repairs done. This way you could have a rough estimate not only on the overall cost of the project but also the duration needed. Roof repair inclusions – other than the type of roofing materials used, the size and scope of the repairs will have a huge impact on the overall cost of repairs. To be sure that you get an accurate estimate of how much the project will cost, hire a roofing contractor like WHS Roofing for a roof inspection. To be sure that you are getting the right estimate, don’t let the roofer give you the estimate over the phone. It is always better to have the roofer come over and check the roof. This way, they get a clear picture of what needs to be done. Existing water damage – on the surface, roofing issues might not be that apparent. However, existing water damage can cause be a huge issue. If your roof had prior issues like leaks, the scope of the repairs might be greater than you think. Chimney and skylights – a plain roof can be easy to repair. However, the slope of the roof as well as the elements on the roof can contribute to the overall cost of the roof repair. If you plan on having roof repairs that include any chimneys or skylights, be sure that you hire the right roofing contractor. Some inexperienced roofers might not do such a good job of fixing these problem areas.

Hire a roofing contractor that can deliver good results! Hire WHS Roofing today! You may reach us at (910) 765-8513.

WHS Roofing Wilmington, NC, 28403 910-765-8513 http://wilmingtonroofingpro.com/


Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Roof Repair – Don’t Let A Small Hole Turn Into A Roofing Catastrophe

roof-repair-300x225.jpgOften times there are holes on the roof that are too small to notice. It’s when these holes become the reason for an even bigger problem ahead. Roofing concerns can be quite expensive to fix especially if the early signs are overlooked. It is necessary to have a roof inspection on a regular basis to ensure that any issues are fixed. Roof repair is a lot cheaper when the problem can easily be confined.

Here are some common causes of holes on the roof

Damage dealt with by trees Storms can bring about strong gusts of wind that can knock branches or entire trees over. In case some tree branches land on the roof, have it checked when all is clear. This is to find out whether or not there is a need for repair. Empty nail hole Nails are essential in keeping everything together. However, empty nail holes can often lead to some roofing issues like leaks. Once the leak has progressed, it can lead to further issues such as rotting. If you find early signs of leaking, call your local roofer and have Wilmington roof repair done immediately. Removal of a satellite dish When a satellite dish is removed along with the mounts that hold it in place, holes are left behind. It is best to have these holes filled in and covered to ensure that there are no chances of leaking. Roof rot Asphalt shingles and other roofing materials may go bad once they are near the end of their lifespan. Exposure to the elements weakens the roof that’s why it needs to be maintained by a roofing contractor frequently. Poor roof quality Exposure to the elements is one thing and poor roof quality is another. If what you have installed on your roof is of poor quality, don’t expect it to withstand the elements. Be sure that when you have any roof repair project, you hire experts like WHS Roofing. Signs that show there’s a hole in the roof
  • Dripping water – the most obvious sign or a hole in the roof is water dripping down the attic and possibly down the ceiling.
  • Damp ceilings and watermarks – if there’s already a hole on your roof that’s big enough to let water in, chances are, it’s going to drip down the attic, down your ceiling, and your walls. You will notice that the ceiling and wall are damp and have visible watermarks on them.
  • Cracked or missing shingles – when you go outside your house and see missing asphalt shingles from afar, it’s quite possible that there’s already a leak inside your roof.
Who should repair your roof? With the availability of power tools and DIY videos on the internet, homeowners have started to take it upon themselves to fix their homes. However, not all household issues have a suitable DIY solution. This proves true with issues on the roof. If you want to make sure that the roof is safe and sound, hire a roofer to repair any problems that may arise.

Looking for a reliable roofer in Wilmington? Call WHS Roofing today! You may reach us at (910) 765-8513.

WHS Electricians LLC Wilmington, NC 28409 910-408-5448 http://wilmingtonelectricianpro.com/


Thursday, October 15, 2020

Pros And Cons Of Popular Roofing Materials

roofing-contractor-1-300x201.jpgAre you planning on having your roof replaced this year? If you are in the market for roofing materials on your next project, you should ask your roofing contractor first. There are plenty of options to choose from. This article will enlighten homeowners on the different types of popular roofing materials, their costs, pros, and cons.

Here’s a quick guide on choosing roofing materials:

  1. Asphalt shingles – out of all the roofing materials on the list, asphalt shingles are the most common. Almost 80% of homes in the United States use asphalt shingles. There are also different styles of asphalt shingles that you can choose from.
Pros – asphalt shingles are cost-effective and easy to install. It is also the preferred choice of homeowners looking to sell a house fast. Cons – they work best on sloped roofs. They do not work as effectively as other materials in harsh climates such as weather fluctuations or intense heat. Asphalt shingles are also only rated to last about 20 years.
  1. Asphalt roll – this type of roofing material is also referred to as torch-on roofing. They share some similarities with asphalt shingles but differ in how they are shaped and installed.
Pros – they are easy to install and work with thus reducing overall cost. Cons – it is not easy to perform roof repair. They also last a relatively short lifespan of only 15 years on average.
  1. Clay roof tiles – also known as terracotta roof tiles, this type of roofing material is all-natural. No harsh chemicals are needed in the process of shaping and baking clay tiles.
Pros – they can last a very long time even up to 40+ years. Clay roof tiles also come in a variety of designs. Cons – heavy and roof structure may require additional framing.
  1. Concrete roof tiles – this type of roofing material, as its name indicates, is made and formed from concrete.
Pros – fireproof and comes in a wide range of styles and designs. Cons – heavy and does not come with the same longevity as clay roof tiles.
  1. Metal roofing – it can come in a range of shapes. Metal roofing can either be made from a combination of steel, tin, zinc, aluminum, and copper.
Pros – durable, lightweight, resistant to impacts, can shed snow faster than other roofing materials, and last longer with an estimated lifespan of 50 years. Cons – requires treatment to prevent corrosion. Can be noisy in certain situations such as hail storms.
  1. Rubber roofing – this type of roofing comes in a range of thicknesses suitable for any roofing applications.
Pros – provides good insulation, low maintenance, and can last up to 50 years. Cons – unattractive appearance and will require extra work to enhance aesthetics.
  1. Slate roofing – this is natural stone roofing. Availability, however, will depend on your location.
Pros – weather-resistant, can improve home value, and can last more than 100 years. Consroof replacement is difficult, hard to install, and will require a specialist roofer.
  1. Solar tiles – this type of roofing material becomes more popular as solar panels get cheaper.
Pros – removes the need for separate solar panel installation as roof and panels are made into one. Cons – purchase and installation costs are high. The installation also requires a specialist Wilmington roofing contractor.
  1. Tar and gravel – this type of roofing is commonly installed on buildings and not on residential properties. It is applied on a flat surface. Molten asphalt is poured on the roof and layers of tarpaper and gravel are added.
Pros – only applicable for low-sloped and flat roofs. Expensive to install. Cons – a short lifespan of only 20 years.
  1. Shakes or wood shingles – require experts like WHS Roofing for the installation.
Pros – provides good insulation, adds curb appeal. Lasts upwards of 25 years with proper maintenance. Cons – can be expensive, requires professional installation, and needs special treatment and maintenance to avoid deterioration.

Are you planning to get a new roof this year? Call WHS Roofing for all of your roofing needs. You may reach us at (910) 765-8513 for more information about our services.

WHS Roofing Wilmington, NC, 28403 910-765-8513 http://wilmingtonroofingpro.com/


Thursday, October 8, 2020

Tips On Finding A Roofer That You Can Rely On

roofing-contractor-300x199.jpgWinter is just around the corner and there’s still a lot of preparation that needs to be done. Unlike any other season of the year, winter is when a lot of preparations take place. With that said, fall is the right time to carry out home maintenance to ensure that nothing goes wrong in the middle of winter. The same goes for every part of the home. The roof, in particular, needs to be as sturdy as it possibly can. A 12-inch blanket of snow can take a toll on your roof especially is there is an underlying issue. That’s why you should hire a roofing contractor to check your roof before winter officially rolls in.

Here are some tips on how you can find a reliable roofer

Check for a valid license – the very first thing that you need to remember when hiring a Wilmington roofing contractor is to check their license. Just like hiring any other contractor, asking for a license will ensure that you are dealing with a company that’s registered and has gone through all the legal requirements to offer services. Local building codes need to be followed and a licensed roofer knows just what to expect and do. A licensed roofing company also provides you with some leverage in case you need to take legal action. This is especially useful if the contractor fails to deliver. Check for insurance – a license is one thing and an insurance policy is another. A rule of thumb is to never work with a contractor that does not have insurance. There are plenty of things that could go wrong while the roofer is working on the roof. A strong gust of wind could knock over workers or materials and cause injury or damage to property while doing a roof replacement. In any case, an insurance policy will take care of any financial liability. However, if the contractor you hire happens to lack liability insurance, the homeowner may be forced to foot the bill for any expenses related to accidents. Choose a local company – there are plenty of reasons why you should always patronize local companies. First of all, you are helping build a community where local businesses thrive. Second, it will benefit your project. Getting roof repair or replacement done by a local company can be done faster than you would hire a company from tens of miles away. Also, the overall flow of the roofing project is made a lot easier due to the materials being locally sourced. Choose a company that has a good reputation - when you are looking for reliable roofing in Wilmington, consider WHS Roofing. There are plenty of roofers in the area but not all of them can deliver the results you need. If you want to hire the best roofer around, choose one that is licensed, has active liability insurance, is a local company, and has a good reputation.

Are you looking for a roofer for your next roofing project? Call WHS Roofing today! You may reach us at (910) 765-8513.

WHS Roofing Wilmington, NC, 28403 910-765-8513 http://wilmingtonroofingpro.com/


Monday, October 5, 2020

4 Ways To Make Your Roof Replacement Last

roof-replacement-300x200.jpgAre you planning on having a roof replacement or already had one recently? If you are looking to make your investment last a long time, you should be familiar with things that can prolong the life of your asphalt roof. Having your roof replaced is never easy on any homeowner’s finances. Any full roof replacement can cost more than a couple of thousand dollars. That’s why it will be useful to understand how to take precautions that will extend the lifespan of the roof.

Here are a few useful roofing tips that you should know about

  1. Ensure proper attic ventilation – a lot of homeowners don’t pay a lot of attention to the ventilation in their attic. Although it doesn’t make much sense at first glance, having adequate ventilation in your attic makes a lot of difference. Without proper airflow, heat or moisture will be stuck inside the attic. Having either one will be problematic for your roof. Be sure that you have your attic inspected by a roofing contractor after the Wilmington roof replacement is complete.
  1. Have a roofing contractor do inspection regularly – imagine your roof as being a car. Your car will need an oil change and maintenance every so often to keep it running smoothly. The same goes for your roof. You will need to have it maintained periodically to ensure that it does not get damaged. Also, be sure that you are having a roofing contractor do the maintenance. Although you could always do some of the maintenance yourself, it is always best to have a professional do it. With professional roofing services, you can always expect high-quality work. Also, you have warranties in case something goes wrong.
  1. Choose quality roofer materials over cheap alternatives – while it can be tempting to purchase the cheaper roofing materials to save on money, it isn’t such a good decision. While you may save money on upfront costs, the lifespan of the roofing materials is much lower. When you think of it, purchasing top-quality roofing materials will cost you more but will last you longer. In the end, you will save more money if you choose to buy high-quality asphalt roofing at the onset.
  1. Choose to hire a reliable roofing contractor – whenever you are planning a roofing project, always consider hiring experts like WHS Roofing. The reason for this is simple. A good roofing contractor is as important as the roofing materials. A reliable roofer can deliver the results you need and want. That’s why for any roofing projects such as roof repair, replacement, or a roof inspection, always hire a professional roofer.
How to hire a reliable roofer There are quite a few things that you need to remember when hiring a roofer. To find a good one, be sure that they have or fit the following description:
  • Has a license to operate.
  • The roofer must be insured.
  • The roofing contractor must have a stellar record.
  • The roofer must also have enough experience and equipment.

Choose a roofer that you can trust. Call WHS Roofing today! You may reach us at (910) 765-8513 for more information on our services.

WHS Roofing Wilmington, NC, 28403 910-765-8513 http://wilmingtonroofingpro.com/
