Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Roof Repair – Identifying And Fixing Common Roofing Issues

roof-repair-300x194.jpgMany homeowners find joy in playing detective, trying to uncover issues in their homes. However, it starts to get less enjoyable and more problematic when it comes time to search for issues on the roof. Typically, roof repair and inspection should be done by experts. However, you can do your own inspection at home. Although it can be limited, it will be a great way of figuring out whether you have roofing issues that need to be fixed.

Understanding the signs of roof issues and what they mean

Water stains on ceilings and walls – there might be some instances wherein you can see some brownish stains on the ceiling and walls. When you notice these marks, it means that there’s a leak or a number of them on your roof. This signifies that you need Wilmington roof repair right away. If the leak has progressed, there will be more water coming in which will flow from the attic down to the ceiling and walls. There are different causes for this kind of issue. Storm damage, degradation, age of the roof, or pest infestation are to name a few of the common causes of leaks. Mold growth – if you notice any mold growth particularly on the ceiling, it is a clear indication that there is dampness somewhere in your roof. This could be a sign that there are leaks on your roof. Be sure to have a roof inspection to find out exactly what is causing the problem. Visible dripping water – if you can see that there is water dripping from the ceiling and down the walls when it rains, it is an indicator of leaks on the roof. In these cases, you should call a roofing contractor to have such problems resolved. If the water is constantly dripping, that means the leaks are big enough to let a significant volume of water through the roof. Clues that tell you to have possible roofing issues There are tell-tale signs that a roof will have some issues later on. Here are some of the possible issues that you can look out for:
  • Cracked, broken, or missing asphalt shingles.
  • Areas where the roof is visibly warping or has low spots.
  • Visible holes on the roof where water can get through.
How to avoid roofing issues from happening There is one sure way of preventing roofing issues from happening. Periodic preventive maintenance can keep roofing issues at bay. You may perform your very own roof inspection. However, this is not recommended for a number of reasons. First of all, going up the roof is dangerous especially if you have no related experience to such tasks whatsoever. Second, your insurance provider won’t like it if you meddle with tasks that are left for the professionals to do. It is always best to hire industry experts like WHS Roofing to perform the roof inspection. Professionals who know how roofs work can easily detect faults were a regular homeowner would not.

Fix roofing issues before they could get worse. Hire a professional roofer in Wilmington today! Call WHS Roofing to get expert roof services. You may reach us at (910) 765-8513.

WHS Roofing Wilmington, NC, 28403 910-765-8513 http://wilmingtonroofingpro.com/


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