Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Roof Repair – Don’t Let A Small Hole Turn Into A Roofing Catastrophe

roof-repair-300x225.jpgOften times there are holes on the roof that are too small to notice. It’s when these holes become the reason for an even bigger problem ahead. Roofing concerns can be quite expensive to fix especially if the early signs are overlooked. It is necessary to have a roof inspection on a regular basis to ensure that any issues are fixed. Roof repair is a lot cheaper when the problem can easily be confined.

Here are some common causes of holes on the roof

Damage dealt with by trees Storms can bring about strong gusts of wind that can knock branches or entire trees over. In case some tree branches land on the roof, have it checked when all is clear. This is to find out whether or not there is a need for repair. Empty nail hole Nails are essential in keeping everything together. However, empty nail holes can often lead to some roofing issues like leaks. Once the leak has progressed, it can lead to further issues such as rotting. If you find early signs of leaking, call your local roofer and have Wilmington roof repair done immediately. Removal of a satellite dish When a satellite dish is removed along with the mounts that hold it in place, holes are left behind. It is best to have these holes filled in and covered to ensure that there are no chances of leaking. Roof rot Asphalt shingles and other roofing materials may go bad once they are near the end of their lifespan. Exposure to the elements weakens the roof that’s why it needs to be maintained by a roofing contractor frequently. Poor roof quality Exposure to the elements is one thing and poor roof quality is another. If what you have installed on your roof is of poor quality, don’t expect it to withstand the elements. Be sure that when you have any roof repair project, you hire experts like WHS Roofing. Signs that show there’s a hole in the roof
  • Dripping water – the most obvious sign or a hole in the roof is water dripping down the attic and possibly down the ceiling.
  • Damp ceilings and watermarks – if there’s already a hole on your roof that’s big enough to let water in, chances are, it’s going to drip down the attic, down your ceiling, and your walls. You will notice that the ceiling and wall are damp and have visible watermarks on them.
  • Cracked or missing shingles – when you go outside your house and see missing asphalt shingles from afar, it’s quite possible that there’s already a leak inside your roof.
Who should repair your roof? With the availability of power tools and DIY videos on the internet, homeowners have started to take it upon themselves to fix their homes. However, not all household issues have a suitable DIY solution. This proves true with issues on the roof. If you want to make sure that the roof is safe and sound, hire a roofer to repair any problems that may arise.

Looking for a reliable roofer in Wilmington? Call WHS Roofing today! You may reach us at (910) 765-8513.

WHS Electricians LLC Wilmington, NC 28409 910-408-5448

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